
I would like to start by congratulting my fantastic friends Si and Mizzle on the birth of their daughter on Thursday. Welcome to parenthood both. The fun starts here! Let's hope you can get away from BB today or tomorrow so that the discrimination against Simmo (and other men) can end. Bloody UMAS! With so much effort being put in to encourage fathers to assume more responsibility, to take an equal share of parental leave, to essentially be as equal as possible when it comes to parenting it boggles the mind that the father gets pushed out immediately aside from a few visiting hours during the day! Viva Patienthotellet!

Anyhoo, that is quite enough of my negativity souring what should be (and is) a most joyous occasion. Thursday was none too shabby for my part either. Myself, Hjallisen and Elin's sister Linnea eventually, after some ticket-machine trouble and consequently a missed train, made our way to Höör where we greeted by the grand-parents for a day of east-coast action.

The days merriment included:
  • Lunch at Buhres Fiskrökeri in Kivik. If you have the means, I'd highly recommend it. It's so choice. What film? Anyone....? Anyone....? Click here for the answer.
  • A quick stop-off at Kiviks Musteri for juice supplies. Refreshing in the utmost!
  • A pleasant, if tiring, walk in Stenshuvuds Nationalpark. Carrying young Hjalmar through forest and up steep slopes is no cake-walk I'll have you know. Luckily help was at hand in form of mormor, morfar and Nea. Hjalmar enjoyed the views but was more impressed by first a beetle and, then, a disgusting white snail we saw.
  • Coffee and cake. Never wrong!
  • A quick jump in the sea near Haväng. Water warm. Sand soft and white. Surroundings spectacular.
Upon returning to Malmö, Elin and I went out to the place we're having our wedding party to finalise some key details. All went swimmingly and now we can chillax* (kind of) until the 26th september.

Yesterday we were at an 80th birthday garden party in Bankeryd outside Jönköping. I ate too much. Too much cheese. Too much meat. And too much cake. The result was a pathetic effort when it came to dinner at Hjalmars great grandmothers that evening.

Today we're off swimming again before trucking on to Linköping. Hjalmar has been out in the garden eating blackcurrants and an ant.

I started this post yesterday but the laptop ran out of battery so I can now happily add a further congratulatory message. This time to my friend Graham who successfully convinced his girlfriend Amy that marrying him would be a good idea. Top work, G. Good luck to you both. Especially Amy.

*I'd like to thank 'Family Guy' for introducing me to the word 'chillax'. Best new word in ages.

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