
New Shoes...

... is a topic I will not be bringing up in this blog. Not now. Not ever. It's just so boring. Speaking of boring: Today I've been trying to study a bit of maths-type stuff for the högskoleprov. So exceptionally dull. Frustrating that it makes up such an important part and large part of the test.

Something I did find interesting today was a story that was read for the kids at my school. Actually, the story itself was pretty average. Old man (Algot) is lonely. Makes friends with worm (Karlknut). Fun ensues. My interest, however, was aroused primarily by one incident. Algot, a dapper type, decides his new pal needs some clothes. Can't be seen with a naked worm, can he? The tailor complains it might be difficult but manages to put together a nice little outfit with (and here's the bit that bothers me) lots of pockets. Why would a worm need a pocket? Let alone lots of them. Even more confusing is that no further reference is made to said numerous pockets rendering the whole incident completely pointless. A bit like this anecdote perhaps but I can't be held responsible for the way my mind works. So I've made a quick list of things a worm could have in its' pocket:-

  • FUCK ALL! It's a worm!

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