
Buses, Baldness and Brazilian Religious Buffoonery

Having been woken at 5.15 by my beloved son who felt it a reasonable time to rise after sleeping mere centimetres from my face the whole night it already felt like a long day when I finished work at 13.30 only for the inevitable bus delay to dampen my mood. Due to arrive at 13.48 you can clearly see from the picture (taken upon the buses arrival) that it was late. Most frustrating. No explanation or token apology from the bus driver either. Impolite git didn’t even say hello.

Despite these setbacks the day as a whole can be considered a success. First (another bus story) I cunningly outmanoeuvred my moustachioed ‘bus arch-nemesis’ and was able to usurp his red bus-seaty throne. He’s one of these people that plonks himself on the aisle seat (always the same one in his case. Not today though) and puts his bag on the inside to ensure that no-one invades his private sphere. He even takes to putting on his seat-belt and falling asleep within milliseconds of sitting down to ward off even the most determined adversary. He is a wily old fox but he was bested this time. 1-0 me since blog inception. More to follow, no doubt.

Also, the onset of spring is becoming more and more apparent. Blue skies, above zero temperatures, flowery/leafy growth (including some dangly fellas on a tree that may or may not have been birch), singing birds. It’s all go. Makes me extremely happy knowing that when spring and summer come, I’ll be getting paid (poorly I must add) to spend most of my time outdoors.

Had a brief conversation with a friend this afternoon about balding men growing their hair long, often shoulder length, in an apparent attempt to convince the world that their hair is as thick, fast-growing and luxurious as at any other time during their life. Low and behold one of these types popped up when I was watching TV earlier and I now feel obliged to admonish such lunacy. You don’t fool anyone. We all know you’re going bald. You just look silly. Especially you who put said bald-long hair in a crappy little ponytail thinking that it embodies a certain youthful rebelliousness. It really, really doesn’t.

More annoyance of a more serious nature then I’m done for today. The story about a nine-year old Brazilian girl who became pregnant with twins after being raped (from the age of 6) by her step-father has been covered by most newspapers in recent days so most are no doubt familiar with it. Her doctor, who recommended an abortion due to her body not being able to handle such a pregnancy (really?), and mother, who consented to it have now been excommunicated by the Catholic Church. This is obviously because of the commonplace view amongst religious hardliners that it is wrong to take a catholic life regardless of the circumstances. Utter madness! Should a nine-year old risk probable death to give birth to children that would remind her of 3 years of rape at the hands of a sadistic step-father? I cannot comprehend that people believe that this situation is better than an abortion. If you disagree... then please try to convince me otherwise. I’m all ears!

So as not to finish on such a miserable note... my 3 things I’ve wondered about today:

1. Why does singed hair smell so bad?

2. How delicious are White Russians? (Rhetorical)

3. When will TV-programs with singing-, dancing- or singing and dancing competitions end? Surely a bazillion shows is enough...

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