As I venture in to the world of blogging it feels appropriate to point out a few details before I start the blog proper. It will no doubt appear amateurish and quite possibly just substandard but I hope the content will not be a mere reflection of the shabby exterior. As for the content, I don’t really have a specific topic I wish to discuss. It may well be all from my day-to-day activities, nonsensical rants about small or large things that irritate/amuse me to my views on current events from around the world, films I see, books I read. An amalgam, if you will. Another thing I’m undecided upon is as to whether I write in English only, or English and Swedish. We’ll see what happens there but I suspect it will be predominantly in English. The plan is that the blog will improve both with regards to its’ contents and outward appearance as I ease my way in.
So where to begin? It would seem superfluous to write about myself personally as that information will soon be in my profile so perhaps I should start by explaining the name, notmypenguin. As my gaze drifted around the room whilst thinking what witty, clever blog name I should assign myself I saw one of my sons’ (Hjalmar, 16 months) books* lying on the table in front of me. It was one of the first books we bought for him and he was particularly keen on it so what better than a name dedicated to him. Perhaps its not the greatest honour to bestow upon ones offspring but one has to start somewhere.
The book itself (It’s not my penguin), a touchy-feely number, is to be recommended. We follow a mousey protagonist which has seemingly lost its’ penguin through Antarctic climes. Why a mouse owns a penguin is not discussed. Anyhoo, after encountering, amongst others, a penguin (an emperor, I believe) whose wings are ‘too velvety’ and another whose head is ‘too silky’ (both of which are qualities I admire in a penguin) we start to worry the mouse might never succeed in finding its’ waddling companion. Alas, we come across the missing bird and its’ instantly recognisable thanks to a baby that is ‘so fluffy’. It is too. Cracking!
So now that I have officially posted my first blog entry, I just hope I can find the time to keep it from disappearing into a digital abyss. First goal, 5 posts.
Something I’ve thought about considered incorporating was a ‘3 things I’ve wondered today’ bit. So here’s the first installment:
1. Can penguins’ wings be too velvety? I’d hate to think they can
2. Will anyone ever read this drivel? Most likely not
3. Is ‘korv med bröd ochstekt potatis’ really an acceptable meal to serve children? Honestly, bread AND potatoes!
Ho hum... first post done. Elin, Hjalmar. Älskar er.
*One of the books owned by my only child. Not a book owned by one of my many sons. Happy Paddy?
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