Last nights late update never materialised. Just too tired. Too much tea, ice-cream and Salt and Vinegar crisps during the football methinks. As a means of getting back on track I'm going to go for a double effort this evening. So this is what happened/what I learned yesterday.
1. Confounded the critics to beat bus arch-nemesis again. 2-0 me!
2. My elation at the onset of spring was somewhat misguided. Every year I seem to forget that with Spring comes pollen and with pollen months of itchy, runny torment. No fun.
3. Had a pleasant fika with the 'great simmo' (sounds like a magician but it isn't) at arguably one of Malmö's best cafés, BAKOM MUGGEN. If you haven't been there. Go. The lemon tart is the business.
4. Heard that another of my good friends fell asleep whilst getting his hair cut. Narcolepsy anyone? Top stuff, Chocs.
5. Watched football. Average. Zlatan. Average. Reminded me of a reply toSTEPHAN MENDEL-ENKS' COLUMN in Metro a few days ago where someone complained how the use of the word 'saviour' in reference to Ibrahimovic drove them crazy. But I quite like the idea...
" And, yay, in a garage in Rosengård was there born a child, the son of God, saviour of the world who will deliver us from our sinful, barbaric life to peaceful godfearing enlightenment through moderate trickery, a few good goals, abject laziness and big stage mediocrity. Praise be to Zlatan, Our New Messiah.
And I should know about messiahs, I've followed a few...
Tack Johan Eckman!
4 weeks ago
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