but only almost. And completely inocently. It seems we have some kind of synergy. Good old Emma dishes out a
skärpning to H&M for it's love-in with designers and the ensuing hysteria and I see said post just as I log in to give out about people queuing outside H&M, Hansa Compagniet or anywhere else for that matter before it opens on a Sunday. I'll be honest, no day is acceptable but least of al a Sunday. If you've something that needs buying so urgently, go on Saturday you fools. There are over 60 shops at Hansa... do people really think that many others are going to go there at midday on a Sunday, go to the same shop and buy the same item they had their eyes on and it just happens to be the last one in stock. Of course they're not... they went on Saturday! Better still... they all queue up and then stroll in so casually so they don't look foolish. Erm, too late!

Best get down there early, Kalle! You never know...