My friends. It seems that I have re-established my blogging routine somewhat. I am, therefore, reverting to 'the good old days' (about 2 months ago) where Sydsvenskan amongst others provided me with a seemingly endless supply of material.
Today's story comes from Sydsvenskan via
Tysta Tankar. For those not able (or too lazy) to read the article, it goes a bit like this.
Man exposes himself to female passengers on a bus from Copenhagen and masturbates in front of them. Arrested upon arrival in Malmö. The women had apparently had the misfortune of being on the same bus as the man on the trip to Copenhagen. He, quelle surprise, had exposed himself and masturbated then too.
My questions are thus:
Why was he not arrested upon arrival in Copenhagen?
Why was he allowed back on the bus in the evening?
Assuming the women got up and moved, did he follow them?
If so, how was his balance affected walking down a bus aisle whilst otherwise engaged in self-love?
Can you walk up an aisle? It just sounds wrong. I've only ever heard of walking down the aisle. People walk down the aisle when getting married. Do they walk back up the aisle afterwards? Or is it down regardless?
Also, the t-shirt this guy was wearing should surely have given the game away!

"What do you mean 'Am I going to wank on this bus?' Whatever gave you that idea? Oh..."