
Bye, bye Blogger!

Have decided to move my blog to Wordpress. Henceforth, you will find my words of wisdom at:

More nostalgia...

This time in the form of Flying Viking Kittens which entertained me no end during university times in Bath. I also recommend you check out the Spongemonkeys if you were at all amused by those funky kittens.


Almost stealing from Emma..

but only almost. And completely inocently. It seems we have some kind of synergy. Good old Emma dishes out a skärpning to H&M for it's love-in with designers and the ensuing hysteria and I see said post just as I log in to give out about people queuing outside H&M, Hansa Compagniet or anywhere else for that matter before it opens on a Sunday. I'll be honest, no day is acceptable but least of al a Sunday. If you've something that needs buying so urgently, go on Saturday you fools. There are over 60 shops at Hansa... do people really think that many others are going to go there at midday on a Sunday, go to the same shop and buy the same item they had their eyes on and it just happens to be the last one in stock. Of course they're not... they went on Saturday! Better still... they all queue up and then stroll in so casually so they don't look foolish. Erm, too late!

Best get down there early, Kalle! You never know...



Was just browsing on the old YouTube. I was looking for some good A-Team/Mr.T clips to have a chuckle at but instead came across this pearler of a clip. Mr.T, as we all know, would do anything for the kids but that doesn't mean the great man will allow a no-good punk lipping off to his momma. Oh my, no! Respect to all the mothers out there, Mr.T-stylee...

Brilliant, I'm sure you'll agree.



I've been slack. Incredibly slack. Laziness and a lack of inspiration have been the principal causes of said slackness. Alas, no longer. I am making a triumphant return. Like Wispas.

'Tis but a short post as technically I should be reading Paddy Clarke ha ha ha as part of my course. A short coffee break has allowed me to get back on the blogging wagon. What fun it has been! Enjoy my friends...

A tip... play the video in fullscreen mode.



Due to the following

-a presentation
-a honeymoon
-an essay
-a broken computer

Essay should be done and dusted by mid-morning tomorrow leaving me a little blogging time before I jet off to Warsaw for the weekend. In other news, today I saw a grown man wearing an overall (a kind of jumpsuit for winter climes that I do not know the English word for) It was multi-coloured. He had a thin brown belt as an accessory. It was ace! What I didn't understand, however, was why he wore a baseball cap. Surely if it's that cold you'd put a proper woolly hat on. Also, baseball is bloody awful!


Victory is mine..

Ok. Perhaps not victory, but a mild sense of personal pride for what many would deem a particularly modest achievement. I have found out how to embed YouTube clips direct in to the blog. No mean feat for somebody as unknowledgeable as my good self. So, for your viewing pleasure, I present 'Geordie Jeans':



... är inte korvar. Och verkligen inte kul.

Alltså, nu skriver jag på svenska för första gången på den här bloggen. Det känns konstigt. Och bra. Mest bra. Anledningen till att jag skriver på svenska är, som ni väl redan har uppfattat, de här korvjävlarna. Det skulle inte funka att skriva om dem på engelska. I alla fall...

Jag är walesare och gillar därmed korv. Riktiga korvar alltså. Med kött i. För ungefär 24 kronor får du ca. 68 kulkorvar som innehåller:
Vatten, gris- och nötkött (34%), potatismjöl, fläsk - och svålprotein, svål, koksalt, antioxidationsmedel E325, E300, blodprotein av nöt och gris, socker, kryddor, potatisfiber, köttbuljongextrakt, arom, konserveringmedel E250, E262, rökarom

Hur kul är det nu?

Man ser tydligt att det innehåller rökarom. Gott. Den andra aromen då? Vad är det för arom? Är det bara allmän arom? Kan man köpa det?

Jag har letat lite efter vad de olika ingredienserna är men inte lyckats helt. Men E250 och 262 är konserveringsmedel. Bäde börjar på 'natrium' så jag antar att det är salt av något slag. Så koksalt plus två andra sorters salt. Kan tänka mig att köttbuljongsextrakten har salt i också. Fyra sorters salt! Hmmmmm...

Sugen? Inte? Tänkte väl det...

När jag på jakt efter information angående ingredienserna så hittade jag en rolig kommentar på någon matsida. Den lyder som följer:

"Förövrigt hatar jag korv. :D (hans smiley) Korv med bröd kan va gott dock, länge sen jag åt det. All annan korv tycker jag e äcklig."

Sakta i backarna! Vad sade du? Blir korven annorlunda bara för att man har bröd? Eller är det en speciell sorts korv som man bara får med bröd?



On the buses...

My friends. It seems that I have re-established my blogging routine somewhat. I am, therefore, reverting to 'the good old days' (about 2 months ago) where Sydsvenskan amongst others provided me with a seemingly endless supply of material.

Today's story comes from Sydsvenskan via Tysta Tankar. For those not able (or too lazy) to read the article, it goes a bit like this.

Man exposes himself to female passengers on a bus from Copenhagen and masturbates in front of them. Arrested upon arrival in Malmö. The women had apparently had the misfortune of being on the same bus as the man on the trip to Copenhagen. He, quelle surprise, had exposed himself and masturbated then too.

My questions are thus:
Why was he not arrested upon arrival in Copenhagen?
Why was he allowed back on the bus in the evening?
Assuming the women got up and moved, did he follow them?
If so, how was his balance affected walking down a bus aisle whilst otherwise engaged in self-love?
Can you walk up an aisle? It just sounds wrong. I've only ever heard of walking down the aisle. People walk down the aisle when getting married. Do they walk back up the aisle afterwards? Or is it down regardless?

Also, the t-shirt this guy was wearing should surely have given the game away!

"What do you mean 'Am I going to wank on this bus?' Whatever gave you that idea? Oh..."


More joy...

Just to be on the safe side before I hit the aforementioned horse-fodder.

Another Youtube clip which makes me laugh every time.

Enjoy! If you haven't seen Father Ted before now. Rent it, download it, whatever. Just make sure you see it!